Heya everybody, This is a slideshow I made back in early 2023 as an ode to my wonderful lover Max. All of the images in this video are ones I rendered myself. I dont have a twitter or any social media accounts, I mostly hangout at ***** where I post my art and share my experiences.
I really like this series, please add more. This style is becoming the standard of those who want to succeed in this forum. The narrated story format gives you the opportunity to express feelings and emotions while the two main characters are bonding. I look forward to seeing more similar episodes.
@Samarai Thanks for the follow-up. No need to apologize, I realize everyone will have a slightly different opinion, and that's totally ok with me. This was made with a lot of older photos, I've been learning Blender so my new renders are much better, but I don't have enough to make to make a new video. I don't have a really powerful computer so with Blender each still render is like 3 days to finish. At some point in the future, I might make another version of this that's a bit shorter, but has better graphics.
Hey woman. Max's bitch, if you will. Just watched/listened to this again and I think I owe you something of an apology. I originally opined that you could have edited this; shortened, as it were. I must now admit that was a mistake. Point of fact, you nailed it. I only wish your visuals were up to par with your oration. If you ever master that, you should seriously consider reposting this. Fairly sure it would be a hit.
This is disgusting and demented acting like the dog actually gets pleasure from the sex animals have sex for procreation and no other reason you're a really mental ill person and definitely need help
@brianjensen uh no, I dont record myself because I dont want to get arrested and go to jail. @bumblebee I prefer stills over video myself, but so many people asked me to do video renders (which I cant do) so I made this instead. @Darkeel I dont need one... I am one. lol @dokoktopus the PMV I made is uploaded elsewhere, but I dont know what the rules are here so I dont want to link to it and get in trouble, but FYI, its called "Submission Hypno"
Brilliant video and excellent dialogue,well spoken and clear, i find that one well taken picture is more expressive than ten minutes of repetetive video. Thankyou for putting this "sexy" but also informative upload for all to see *****
@NaughtyNikki Thanks, glad you agree on how to love your pet. @Painless Someone else told me about the Emily's Diary series. It's good work, though I don't think I have the resources for music and sound effects to pull something like that off. @Lina_K9 Glad you liked the vid! Most of my art is still images, but I may make some other videos in the future. @SolarSteel Hey there, I cant post the PMV here because it goes against the site rules of real people, but this one I could. I was kinda surprised someone else hadn't uploaded it already. @TomBoss At the time 11Labs was the only easily available VTT that I could find, so yea I used the Bella voice. I did some fine tuning locally of the rendered audio, but just for some extra expression in a few places.
This is great for a first video. Very erotic. If you want to continue making this kind of smut (and you totally should), you should check out the Emily’s Diary videos. I think you could pull-off slow-burn episodes about yourself and Max. Would love to see your mind building stories.
I'm doing this for about 5 years, and I have to confirm that this video , is absolutely right...I give you my respects and I will follow your works! Thank you for this video, it makes our passion more easily accessible! Thank you again!
@samarai Thanks. :) It's a mix of real life and things I fantasize about. Agreed on the editing, I'm not the greatest with video editing. As for the dialog... it's from comments I've made over the years while talking with other people over at zooville about this lifestyle... so there is definitely some repetition. But since I only do image renders... I wasn't really sure how to do the whole slideshow thing when I made this in March of 2023... I just kinda winged it. @taddl @Lara_Shihouin @unearthly I'm glad you liked it. :)
Conceptually, very good. Really can’t tell if this is fiction or an accurate telling of real events. Tell ya what, though - it could stand some editing. About half as long and it would be twice as effective. You kinda sorta repeat yourself… a lot. Look forward, nonetheless to seeing more content from you.
He just wants bitcoin from people. Actually pathetic.
@kinglongbong Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Have a nice day.
@bumblebee I prefer stills over video myself, but so many people asked me to do video renders (which I cant do) so I made this instead.
@Darkeel I dont need one... I am one. lol
@dokoktopus the PMV I made is uploaded elsewhere, but I dont know what the rules are here so I dont want to link to it and get in trouble, but FYI, its called "Submission Hypno"
@Painless Someone else told me about the Emily's Diary series. It's good work, though I don't think I have the resources for music and sound effects to pull something like that off.
@Lina_K9 Glad you liked the vid! Most of my art is still images, but I may make some other videos in the future.
@SolarSteel Hey there, I cant post the PMV here because it goes against the site rules of real people, but this one I could. I was kinda surprised someone else hadn't uploaded it already.
@TomBoss At the time 11Labs was the only easily available VTT that I could find, so yea I used the Bella voice. I did some fine tuning locally of the rendered audio, but just for some extra expression in a few places.
@taddl @Lara_Shihouin @unearthly I'm glad you liked it. :)