Hitchcock and Scully being actual geniuses for 16 minutes | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • Two legends of the 99.
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    "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" follows the exploits of hilarious Det. Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) and his stoically ever-professional captain, Raymond Holt (Andre Braugher), along with their diverse, lovable colleagues as they police the NYPD's 99th Precinct. In this final season of the series, Jake and the squad must try to balance their personal lives and their professional lives over the course of a very difficult year.
    Rounding out the ensemble is Sgt. Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumera), who has a passion for organization and a weakness for dork dancing; Lt. Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews), a mountain of a man whose most powerful muscle is his sweetheart; Jake's best friend and human puppy dog, Det. Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio); and the incredibly secretive, tough-as-nails Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz). Also part of the Nine-Nine are veteran officers Det. Scully (Joel McKinnon Miller) and Det. Hitchcock (Dirk Blocker), whose only skill as police officers is their ability to make a passable pot of coffee.
    Created by Emmy Award-winning writer/producers Dan Goor and Michael Schur, "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" won the 2014 Golden Globe Awards for Best Television Series - Comedy or Musical and Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series - Comedy or Musical (Samberg). Emmy winner Braugher earned four Emmy nominations for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series for his role as Capt. Holt.
    Brooklyn Nine-Nine
    / nbcbrooklyn99

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @tathoiclassicalindianbollywood
    @tathoiclassicalindianbollywood Год назад +18224

    I would so unashamedly binge-watch a young Hitchcock & Scully spinoff. That cold-open was just perfection.

    • @Cheese-n-Cracka
      @Cheese-n-Cracka Год назад +1163

      It’s crazy that Scully used to be Jack Reacher.

    • @JinghisKhan
      @JinghisKhan Год назад +445

      @@Cheese-n-CrackaAnd Thad Castle before that!

    • @cyndreblade13
      @cyndreblade13 Год назад +101

      I've been saying that for years.

    • @Proudfeet
      @Proudfeet Год назад +109

      @@Cheese-n-Cracka Middle age comes for us all

    • @withintheshyness
      @withintheshyness Год назад +18

      In their prime or now?

  • @Continus
    @Continus Год назад +7288

    "If we are away from our desk for too long they might update our computers and we'll lose mine sweeper."
    I understand their pain.

    • @robertcarson7871
      @robertcarson7871 Год назад +276

      Fun fact: you can find all the legacy programs on Windows computers, including the default Font editor and an analog phone, just to name a few. They are hidden away in the system32 folder.
      Another fun fact you may know, system32 is called that because it's the 32bit architecture

    • @cantlean4440
      @cantlean4440 Год назад +96

      Not all heros wear capes. My supervisor might not consider you a hero though.

    • @hsckuhns
      @hsckuhns Год назад +96

      I'm a SysAdmin for a school district. I stealth installed old games onto machines a couple of years ago while practicing PowerShell for global policies. Doom, Castle Wolfenstein, Quake, Mine Sweeper, and Solitaire.

    • @BimpytheWimpyShrimpy
      @BimpytheWimpyShrimpy Год назад +30

      @@hsckuhns _Bless you_

    • @Continus
      @Continus Год назад +13

      @@hsckuhns yo, you are the real MVP! Has anyone discovered those games?

  • @Ejduxh
    @Ejduxh 11 месяцев назад +1053

    Scully and Hitchcock’s Detective skills are just as fresh as they were when they were younger, but I can respect that they’re tired, and would rather be helping out the precinct and other ways then retirement

    • @blackdemonknight
      @blackdemonknight 4 месяца назад +91

      I actually liked it when it showed the two being compentant at their jobs, they were introduced as the comedic relief side characters but seeing them like this shows why they are still on the force.

    • @moonsaces2122
      @moonsaces2122 2 месяца назад +13

      Honestly in this economy, who can blame them

    • @Crimson_Sun2486
      @Crimson_Sun2486 Месяц назад +10

      Scully & Hitchcock are great examples that some people just require the right motivation to get their brains into high gear, i.e. their brilliance when it comes to food & puzzle games (and more perverse things in Hitchcock’s case)

  • @leafysoup501
    @leafysoup501 Год назад +11477

    Don't forget Scully knows morse code, sings opera and speaks french too!

    • @shanechynoweth3639
      @shanechynoweth3639 Год назад +316

      We are turnips

    • @alexanderadams7048
      @alexanderadams7048 Год назад +76

      Kinda forgot about that so thank you

    • @AnamikaDas-j77q
      @AnamikaDas-j77q Год назад

      Haha I was literally thinking about that! ​@@shanechynoweth3639

    • @alanmacdonald1457
      @alanmacdonald1457 Год назад +21

      doesnt he mess up all his french?

    • @alexanderadams7048
      @alexanderadams7048 Год назад +155

      @@alanmacdonald1457 his French wasn’t the best but 2/3s of the words he said were correct, just not the important words but it’s well documented skully doesn’t do well under stress

  • @I_am_Dipanjan
    @I_am_Dipanjan Год назад +5857

    As a matter of fact, Scully has the best detective award. It is clearly visible near the podium. (The scene where Jake "pranks" Holt)

    • @the.criollo5626
      @the.criollo5626 Год назад +218

      Oh my GOD!. Well, got to watch all the series again looking for that detail...

    • @InsightWave99
      @InsightWave99 Год назад

      Season 1 episode 17 ​@@the.criollo5626

    • @modestmunky_
      @modestmunky_ Год назад +70

      @@the.criollo5626 Don't worry, they're wrong, the award says Finney.

    • @hoihoi12250
      @hoihoi12250 Год назад +9

      Which specific episode pls?

    • @dylutant
      @dylutant Год назад +26

      @@hoihoi12250season 6, episode 17 'Sicko' . It's the cold open.

  • @carlosbarrera4044
    @carlosbarrera4044 Год назад +2604

    6:52 "It's not sticky because I'm so juicy", wise quote from Scully

    • @shanefrederick7731
      @shanefrederick7731 Год назад +11

      One of my favorites

    • @Andjelka99
      @Andjelka99 Год назад +53

      Followed by black friend think quick 😂😂😂

    • @JCbadminton
      @JCbadminton Год назад +21

      "Black Fred Think Quick!" Proceeds to toss a loaded gun at Terry LMAO

  • @Rat_infestation
    @Rat_infestation Год назад +1655

    Love how the guy in the background looks up for a second like "who tf broke the- oh it's just Hitchcock and Scully" and goes right back to his work

  • @cruachan1191
    @cruachan1191 Год назад +4645

    This video needed to be 21:30 long. My Mama Magalione lasagne isn't ready yet.

    • @CupOfJav
      @CupOfJav Год назад +222

      That gives you a little time to check on the garlic bread.

    • @bartkarnowski4458
      @bartkarnowski4458 Год назад +77

      Takes a lot to get mama hot

    • @liftfork
      @liftfork Год назад +56


    • @chrisdonovan9872
      @chrisdonovan9872 Год назад +12

      ​@@liftfork how dare you totAl insult

    • @joshua.h
      @joshua.h Год назад +11

      ​@@liftforkMad Man!!! But it just might work...

    @NIGHTSTALKER973 Год назад +8748

    What I love about Scully and Hitchcock is they are good people and great detectives but they choose to act like morons so they get to sit at their desks all day 😂

    • @IgnorantSeeker
      @IgnorantSeeker Год назад +621

      Not so much for Hitchcock. I do like that the show keeps it kinda realistic that we just sometimes have to work around with unsavoury characters.

      @NIGHTSTALKER973 Год назад +203

      @IgnorantSeeker That's a very good point about Hitchcock actually 🤣

    • @kanaric
      @kanaric Год назад +477

      I've worked government jobs for 15 years and there are old guys like this at literally every place i've worked at. They just are waiting to get their pension so pretend to know nothing but if they REALLY are needed they step up.

    • @Leoncroi
      @Leoncroi Год назад +306

      I mean, they did do their fair share of detective work in the 70s and 80s. Now they just want to file paperwork and sit on their comfy chairs all day.

    • @gbonkers666
      @gbonkers666 Год назад +72

      Well, they did there work...now its time to retire and collect that pension.

  • @globbyakaweirdjellyguy954
    @globbyakaweirdjellyguy954 Год назад +2754

    Them figuring out what kind of dessert Holt has was very impressive; I guess their detective skills are just specialized.😉 Also, Hitchcock getting up the stairs that fast and quietly was insane.😂

    • @allanorme2093
      @allanorme2093 Год назад +18

      they should work on the missing foods cases

    • @buggart
      @buggart Год назад +79

      I think they're not specialized. They are still very good detectives but purposely make it look like that food is their priority (Which is true but only partially). They explained it on 12:40. They purposely threw that rock on the window because Boyle was beginning to think they were competent.

    • @awesomeguydj8810
      @awesomeguydj8810 Год назад

      Hitchcock and Scully are just actually really good detectives, they don't like going out in the field so they purposefully act incompetent to get paperwork assignments.

    • @hihi-sj8wd
      @hihi-sj8wd 10 месяцев назад +2

      They are butt-buds and chair-champs❤

    • @rosemaryjones5550
      @rosemaryjones5550 2 месяца назад

      They were all valid points too

  • @PurelyKayden
    @PurelyKayden Год назад +13142

    This is mostly Scully being a genius. But like normal Hitchcock takes credit too. They're a package deal.

    • @Xyxxz1212
      @Xyxxz1212 Год назад

      You bet your nips skidmark

    • @Alphoric
      @Alphoric Год назад +583

      What about the 5 arrests Hitchcock got after the guy ran up and confessed then sold his associates out

      @KAROLOMONARE Год назад +318

      Put some respekt on Mr. Nine Nine. Rekord holder. 😂😂😂😂😊

    • @asdfghjsdfgg1841
      @asdfghjsdfgg1841 Год назад +200

      That's so true!! Scully is the sweet, secretly genius, veteran detectiver and Hitchcock is the creepy pervert detective that leeches off his friend.

    • @caddgames9885
      @caddgames9885 Год назад +25

      Not really

  • @leolusanez5378
    @leolusanez5378 Год назад +402

    I love how you chose to end this video with all the right words:
    "Y O U C U C K"

  • @theunknowngamer-l6c
    @theunknowngamer-l6c Год назад +722

    Can't believe Scully had a brief stint as Jack Reacher before settling for a desk job at the 99

  • @phastinemoon
    @phastinemoon Год назад +482

    I love characters who have one defining trait 90% of the time (stupid, goofy, food-obsessed, etc) but then they show they can be the exact OPPOSITE for 10% and it HITS!

    • @Mineboost
      @Mineboost Год назад +39

      The old Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass, easily one of my very favorite tropes to see in use

  • @joepwillemsen2057
    @joepwillemsen2057 Год назад +665

    9:16 I’m down for a spin-off about Hitchcocks and Scully’s glory days

    • @tinotantiado
      @tinotantiado Год назад +51

      scully's younger self was jack reacher. 😂

    • @YTJRBC2
      @YTJRBC2 6 месяцев назад

      Post wingslutz tho

  • @Promethion
    @Promethion Год назад +2184

    We need a spin-off with young Scully & Hitchcock, with old Scully & Hitchcock narrating it all as flashbacks of their lives.

    • @shadowclaw7210
      @shadowclaw7210 Год назад +85

      And its Mac just hearing them.

    • @Promethion
      @Promethion Год назад +102

      @@shadowclaw7210 Scully and Hitchcock telling stories as Macs babysitters would be awesome

    • @rachelcdmatthews2891
      @rachelcdmatthews2891 Год назад +66

      And I feel like you’d only need one season. Like a limited series in that format would be so good!

    • @didncozosksma4466
      @didncozosksma4466 Год назад +31

      After the show they got their pensions and are just telling stories to the 99, sounds like a hit to me.

    • @D2attemp
      @D2attemp Год назад +3

      Check out Reacher

  • @LowfDog
    @LowfDog Год назад +241

    Alan Ritchson as young Scully is probably some of the most brilliant casting ever.

  • @thorocomments
    @thorocomments Год назад +811

    The ‘let them cook’ boys.

    • @logancamp9098
      @logancamp9098 Год назад +56

      Because if you don't let them cook, who knows what they'd do to you. That garlic bread is serious business

  • @Neemal0720
    @Neemal0720 Год назад +704

    We really need a prequel set in the 70s and 80s of stud Hitchcook and Scully with them breaking rules to put away bad guys. Like a goof Miami Vice type and like every few episodes Scully meets someone name Kelly.

    • @Shae_Sandybanks
      @Shae_Sandybanks Год назад +60

      😂😂😂 be it a dog or woman it would be hilarious

    • @nicrome
      @nicrome Год назад +42

      And like the regular cast includes young Jake’s Dad and Grampa, and Amy’s Dad, and Rosa’s Parents

    • @Yasminjames2011
      @Yasminjames2011 Год назад +24

      @@Shae_Sandybanksand then not knowing who the future wife is until the last episode

    • @itsonevideoc1675
      @itsonevideoc1675 6 месяцев назад +8

      It's sometimes briefly narated by Scully and Hitchcock during Game nights at Rosa's place

  • @sanchitkhedkar1062
    @sanchitkhedkar1062 Год назад +520

    Amy: No offense Scully, but you can't be good or bad at jigsaw puzzles"
    Scully: And I took that personally

    • @Imbx4406
      @Imbx4406 Месяц назад +2

      *5 second later* Look, I got half a page 😂😂😂

  • @DinsRune
    @DinsRune Год назад +196

    I like that they're actually good detectives, they're just old and don't want to work anymore

  • @asdfghjsdfgg1841
    @asdfghjsdfgg1841 Год назад +471

    Can't spill food on your shirt if you're not wearing one. Words to live by.

    • @DavidDylanFisher
      @DavidDylanFisher Год назад +11

      Hence why I've started eating ribs in the shower

    • @dependent-ability8631
      @dependent-ability8631 Год назад +8

      that's how i got banned from the local mall

    • @itsthejavavoid
      @itsthejavavoid 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@DavidDylanFisheris the water running?

    • @kingleech16
      @kingleech16 9 месяцев назад +4

      @@itsthejavavoid Of course!

  • @Lordrandom1
    @Lordrandom1 Год назад +88

    At the 12:45 mark, Scully saying "Now you get it." and flashes a wink in reaponse reveals to me at least that they are telling Boyle they've always been playing dumb, and that they know they're the comic relief. And Boyle can hardly believe they've bren fooling everyone from day one.
    And the rest are only ever assisted by the best when they have no other option.

  • @abrightcloud6961
    @abrightcloud6961 Год назад +989

    “Enjoy your 16 minute cook times, idiots”, and Rosa smiles

  • @Lockie98th
    @Lockie98th Год назад +394

    I like how the show hints that they were really good detectives when they were young. Now they clocked out

    • @nerdyguyD679
      @nerdyguyD679 Год назад +45

      Wasn't it confirmed they were the legit best in the 80s at least

    • @Ahdokobo
      @Ahdokobo 10 месяцев назад +44

      @@nerdyguyD679 it was, I think they both have awards on their desks literally saying best detective. I think you can see one during one of the prank episodes.

  • @keeklawless9248
    @keeklawless9248 Год назад +275

    “I’ve had enough heart attacks to know what sweating is”

  • @quineloe
    @quineloe Год назад +2433

    They were never bad, they just decided they had put in enough for the rest of their career.

    • @dionjaywoollaston1349
      @dionjaywoollaston1349 Год назад +177

      After working during the 80s I’m not surprised

    • @scottishjedi1522
      @scottishjedi1522 Год назад +103

      They were just serving out until retirement so they could get their pensions

    • @Randomnessisreasuring
      @Randomnessisreasuring Год назад +71

      @@scottishjedi1522 Nope They are the type of people who stay just because work is as close to another family as they can get. plus these guys have like 35 to 40 years. Most retire on the 25 so they can do something else. Hitchcock and Scully are there just because they have no outside hobbies anymore.

    • @dionjaywoollaston1349
      @dionjaywoollaston1349 10 месяцев назад +31

      @@Randomnessisreasuringthat’s true, if they stuck around during the 80s as police nothing short of death or forced retirement is going move them

    • @karvenman
      @karvenman 7 месяцев назад

      "Hitchcock and Scully, I see you guys are still around"
      "Only way they're taking us away is in body bags

  • @Novakane78
    @Novakane78 Год назад +278

    "That's my cupcake taster!" I feel you on that Scully

  • @lynell2B375
    @lynell2B375 Год назад +420

    That scene with Holt's pie was amazing

  • @partypoppers1988
    @partypoppers1988 Год назад +325

    Just remember how they were in the eighties, and you know they have that greatness hidden away in their lockers still 😎

  • @arm279145
    @arm279145 Год назад +60

    “You solved a crime?!”
    “What?! That’s insane! No!” 😂😂😂

  • @GamerJV
    @GamerJV Год назад +190

    They are experts in their field. It's a field littered with crumbs and covered in syrups, but experts none the less.

  • @madunwagbo4769
    @madunwagbo4769 Год назад +1342

    Notice Holt said on Scully’s birthday, “Let’s give THEM cash”…because everyone knows they come as a package deal

    • @itsthejavavoid
      @itsthejavavoid 11 месяцев назад +53

      both are married but we all know their true loves are each other
      and snacks

  • @olatundedave
    @olatundedave Год назад +93

    "You shouldn't know so much about breastpump, Hitchcock"

  • @Habitt5253
    @Habitt5253 Год назад +581

    "You dont look hot and bothered at all to me, show us the erotica."
    Im dead! 😂😂😂

  • @NotoriousRawDogger
    @NotoriousRawDogger Год назад +2740

    Jake and Boyle are the future Hitchcock and Scully 😂😂

    • @AlbertaGeek
      @AlbertaGeek Год назад +113

      Head canon achieved.

    • @Phoenix-zu6on
      @Phoenix-zu6on Год назад +260

      nah, Hitchcock and Scully were WAY hotter

    • @thetuerk
      @thetuerk Год назад +72

      ​@@Phoenix-zu6onHow the heck did you turn this into a Jake&Boyle roast dear god 🔥

    • @AlwaysBolttheBird
      @AlwaysBolttheBird Год назад +44

      @@Phoenix-zu6onwhat do you mean “were “

    • @skollskollskoll
      @skollskollskoll Год назад +6


  • @Leah_Newton
    @Leah_Newton Год назад +688

    Scully is mostly the superior hidden genius of the precinct. No one wants to admit it. 😂

    • @erilaksmana450
      @erilaksmana450 Год назад

      While you are dumber than him

    • @buggart
      @buggart Год назад +41

      Knowing them, Scully would deny this while Hithcock will tell he is and just accept it.

    • @itsthejavavoid
      @itsthejavavoid 11 месяцев назад +14

      in the cold open where jake pranks holt by moving the podium, you can see that he actually has a best detective award!!

  • @sashaduran6102
    @sashaduran6102 Год назад +168

    I like how holt immediately knows to cover jake with 20$😭

    • @xande3767
      @xande3767 2 месяца назад +1

      Dad Holt always has Jake's back 😂🥹

  • @DaeDaeDotNet
    @DaeDaeDotNet Год назад +72

    10:50 I love how they are secretly geniuses because pooping with your feet up is actually very smart and helps with the flow 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Technobabylon
      @Technobabylon Год назад +16

      Also if the door lock doesn't work, it stops people barging in

  • @flipsfruitland9853
    @flipsfruitland9853 Год назад +81

    I got a chair ad for this video. How fitting.

  • @sgg3586
    @sgg3586 Год назад +79

    They are the definition of "doing the bare minimum I'm paid for". They COULD probably solve a ton of crimes and show that they are borderline geniuses when they actually even put the effort into solving crimes...but that usually conflicts with how much butt-sitting they can accomplish that day.

    • @ptonpc
      @ptonpc 6 месяцев назад +10

      They did all that when they were younger. Now they are old and worn out. Too many heart attacks, dodgy knees etc. They just want to do the paperwork and basically be left alone.

  • @Leo25993
    @Leo25993 Год назад +33

    I like to think Scully and H are both geniouses and great detectives , they just don't care anymore after years and years of service and they ironically make fun of themselves and others just to mess with the squad 😊😂

  • @Festive_vibe
    @Festive_vibe Год назад +880

    They are the smartest cops there but no one hears them out lmao

    • @jackdoyle8418
      @jackdoyle8418 Год назад +58

      So the difference between how the parks department deals with Jerry/Gary and how the 99 deals with Scully and Hitchcock is that the parks department harasses Jerry and the 99 just act like Scully and Hitchcock don’t exist.

    • @Festive_vibe
      @Festive_vibe Год назад


    • @hikari1690
      @hikari1690 Год назад +5

      I thought one's sad of their duo. The other is just disappointed

    • @thetuerk
      @thetuerk Год назад +18

      Nahh! They like being able to eat, nap, do paperwork, eat then nap again with no expectations!

    • @El_Tigre6246
      @El_Tigre6246 Год назад +18

      One epissode they were proven to be the nypd best detectives before they let themselves go lol

  • @void-creature
    @void-creature 5 месяцев назад +18

    14:36 the perfect summary of what differentiates the two

  • @PalKia002
    @PalKia002 Год назад +74

    scully and hitchcock a duo that will never be forgotten

  • @simonmarie83
    @simonmarie83 Год назад +105

    Hitchcock and Scully are the most entertaining duo in the show. The actors are so committed.

  • @ankurbagai1056
    @ankurbagai1056 Год назад +121

    1985 Hitchock and Scully were the real "Mama Magnialoni"

    • @badgercdlyons
      @badgercdlyons Год назад +9

      "Magnialoni". Mama Maglioni is spinning in her microwave right now.

  • @BeckyM2000
    @BeckyM2000 Год назад +96

    I can see that Jake is jealous of Hitchcock by making more arrests than him in the episode the slump, I also love the flashback episode with the younger versions of Scully and Hitchcock, I think that Hitchcock and Scully is the smartest detectives in the precinct.😊

  • @blackbankai0354
    @blackbankai0354 Год назад +23

    I really find it sweet it sweet how they bent the rules so that the witness wouldn't be put at legal risk.

  • @delraydad7516
    @delraydad7516 Год назад +233

    How do these two NOT have a spinoff?
    -Private detectives
    -Transferred to a new precinct.

    • @filipbitala2624
      @filipbitala2624 11 месяцев назад +8

      Such a missed opportunity, and it was a big one

    • @delraydad7516
      @delraydad7516 11 месяцев назад +7

      @@filipbitala2624 I agree. It could’ve been an epic show.

  • @thepayne7862
    @thepayne7862 Год назад +124

    One of my favorite moments with Hitchcock and Scully is when they are helping with Rosa's wedding and Hitchcock is surprised they aren't Amy's biggest problem.

  • @TheRyderShotgunn
    @TheRyderShotgunn Год назад +93

    everyone wants to see a spinoff of brooklyn 99 where it's hitchcock and scully in their prime...
    ...i kinda wanna see a spinoff with jake and amy as old people still on the force doing hitchcock and scully's thing, probably in their desks, too

    • @castleoffiction96
      @castleoffiction96 11 месяцев назад +7

      Well…I don’t see Jake going back to the force or Amy getting demoted, so….

  • @effect0031
    @effect0031 Год назад +75

    When they showed them back in time, I was floored when I heard the names.

  • @missyme2673
    @missyme2673 Год назад +59

    Brilliant. Simply Brilliant. These two deserve more credit for their work ethic and authentic personalities. ❤

  • @MarceloSilva-kp7mc
    @MarceloSilva-kp7mc 10 месяцев назад +31

    My theory is that they are possibly the most intelligent in the entire police station, so intelligent that they came up with the strategy of pretending to be too old and crazy to be excused from their duties and come to 99 just to hang around

  • @csquared84
    @csquared84 Год назад +137

    We seriously need that 80s young Hitchcock and Scully spinoff series

  • @Thatonegirl236
    @Thatonegirl236 Год назад +24

    1. Young hitchcock and scully
    2. When jake returns to the 99 after mac has finally grown and amy has finally become a captain and nikolaj is like a old brother to mac and takes care of him

  • @awsomegamer102
    @awsomegamer102 7 месяцев назад +7

    The derision in scully's voice when he says "you got played so hard" always cracks me up.

  • @calebsoria1777
    @calebsoria1777 Год назад +32

    Scully is so sweet.
    the heart of a girrafe.

    • @maarekstele2998
      @maarekstele2998 Год назад +3

      I honestly felt bad when he started sweating when he was scared

  • @itsthejavavoid
    @itsthejavavoid 11 месяцев назад +11

    8:33 the way everyone is saying "they" bc we all know scully and hitchcock come together 😂😂

  • @zoeuzzz505
    @zoeuzzz505 Год назад +38

    its crazy how we still talk about b99, i love this fandom and this tv show lol

  • @pablozurita2996
    @pablozurita2996 Год назад +24

    My headcannon is that hitchcock can teleport when in a rolling chair

  • @calledcookie1468
    @calledcookie1468 Год назад +114

    5:58 Nobody ask Hitchcock why he knows that 🤣🤣🤣

  • @shroey20
    @shroey20 Год назад +7

    "No, I've had enough heart attacks to know what sweating looks like" 😂😂😂

  • @filoni8434
    @filoni8434 Месяц назад +2

    Hitchcock and Scully are actually geniuses, they just don’t care anymore and want to enjoy themselves, which I respect a lot.

  • @Thesealman7
    @Thesealman7 5 месяцев назад +10

    im pretty sure hitchcock and scully could independently make a bakery empire, as they have eaten so much food that they probably know how the best food.

  • @karayacaona735
    @karayacaona735 Год назад +14

    This compilation just made Scully and Hitchcock my favorite characters in this show

  • @stealthassasin1day291
    @stealthassasin1day291 Год назад +20

    They paid their dues in the 70-80's, they are secret geniuses but more like they have been there so long the new people don't know their previous accomplishments and thus able to do the minimum work.

  • @zellalaing5439
    @zellalaing5439 Год назад +78

    "That's my cupcake taster" 😂

  • @steaminghotbelgianwaffles
    @steaminghotbelgianwaffles 3 месяца назад +6

    Bro scully dunking on Vicky’s vegan kills me EVERY TIME 💀

  • @XdewGaming
    @XdewGaming Год назад +18

    Never thought I would see Punisher and Lucifur in the same scene 😂

  • @ndirangugichuki6260
    @ndirangugichuki6260 Год назад +4

    @3:42 i like the technical description of the microwave, kitchen promax, light weight and only 1.2 kilowatts 😂😂

  • @bodenking
    @bodenking 27 дней назад +1

    An unintended and weirdly heartwarming part of this is showing how anyone can contribute in their area of expertise

  • @phenkusingh2952
    @phenkusingh2952 Год назад +5

    I like the genius and lazy combo so much. They are the coolest people to hangout and work with.

  • @padmanabhanbharadwaj4213
    @padmanabhanbharadwaj4213 Год назад +6

    The fact that Scully's good at solving jigsaw paluzzles in real life is just another reason for me to binge Brooklyn99

  • @LuxMachaera
    @LuxMachaera Год назад +39

    "An Al Dente dog with a nice chew" raw 😂

  • @philipchung8682
    @philipchung8682 11 месяцев назад +9

    hitchcock and sculls periodically checking on the wife was very wholesome

  • @christianjung5583
    @christianjung5583 Год назад +117

    Honestly I think they decided at some point they didn't want the dangerous life anymore. So they started to be "mediocre". They want to do desk work and help with their vast knowledge they hide behind food obsession and apparently creepy tendencies.

    • @dionjaywoollaston1349
      @dionjaywoollaston1349 Год назад +7

      After being detectives in the 80s I’m not surprised

    • @weirdkross9632
      @weirdkross9632 11 месяцев назад +7

      they are in their prime in 70s and 80s. just looking at that time, I will also just relax after those eras.

  • @skinnyyoungjiggy4471
    @skinnyyoungjiggy4471 Год назад +41

    we need the young Hitchcock and Scully spin-off series

  • @Sculla133
    @Sculla133 Год назад +79

    Oh my god I still miss Ray Braugher like crazy. You will be the captain forever in my heart.

    • @b4byj3susm4n
      @b4byj3susm4n Год назад +9

      *Andre Braugher
      Ray was the name of his character

    • @VigilantKnight005
      @VigilantKnight005 Год назад

      I miss Braugher, too.

    • @fulltimeslackerii8229
      @fulltimeslackerii8229 Год назад

      Still? It’s been like a month

    • @KBWeeds
      @KBWeeds Год назад


    • @ISayThingz
      @ISayThingz Год назад +4

      @@fulltimeslackerii8229 People can miss the deceased for decades. Even if they're famous and far away. It's called grief.

  • @leogarza9781
    @leogarza9781 9 дней назад +1

    Two favorite characters

  • @KamsPoliticalPredictions
    @KamsPoliticalPredictions Год назад +162

    13:36 "THEN SET THE MF TO BROIL!" 😂

    • @masonlopez2679
      @masonlopez2679 Год назад +5


    • @jivesteeler3389
      @jivesteeler3389 11 месяцев назад +6

      Said the same thing during my spaghetti night and i forgot the bread. I know their pain.

  • @zoeyamon935
    @zoeyamon935 Год назад +4

    joel mckinnon miller gets a laugh out of me every time i see him on screen. he’s just so incredibly genuine in his performance that i can’t help but love him

  • @smalltalkgaming
    @smalltalkgaming Год назад +7

    9:07 is one of my fave moments of the entire show

  • @andybannerman6678
    @andybannerman6678 6 месяцев назад +4

    Dirk and Joel are hugely underrated actors. Never gets old watching them as Hitchcock and Scully

  • @vulfkachnanajza4483
    @vulfkachnanajza4483 10 месяцев назад +9

    3:08 Hitchcock walk always has me laughing out loud. 😂

    @FARAHADINE Год назад +27

    I need a Young scully and hitchcock spin off Make it happen NBC😤

  • @davicajohnson3744
    @davicajohnson3744 Год назад +18

    oh the birthday scam was my greatest scene man

  • @Thornshock
    @Thornshock Год назад +13

    I really enjoy their actor's performances

  • @Delcoa_
    @Delcoa_ Год назад +65

    In another universe, Scully went on to become Reacher.

    • @angelcanez4426
      @angelcanez4426 9 месяцев назад +1

      In another universe Reacher becomes Scully

    • @Imbx4406
      @Imbx4406 Месяц назад

      ​@@angelcanez4426After being Aquaman too 😂😂😂

  • @KuroKris
    @KuroKris Год назад +10

    I like how alan ritchson is scully 😂 when he got his first cupcake 🧁 he couldn't stop

    • @AgentN-s5u
      @AgentN-s5u 2 месяца назад

      It was wings that defeated them

  • @pannomic
    @pannomic Год назад +23


  • @Frioune
    @Frioune Год назад +6

    We did that in the 70s-80s, now we want to do our paperwork on our favourite chair...man that hits hard. They probably went through so much together.

  • @damiandavis612
    @damiandavis612 Год назад +41

    Kinda obvious I mean most characters that seem hearty and happy and often not the brightest bulbs turn out to be hiding their true persona

  • @FlareSherbetNatsu
    @FlareSherbetNatsu 2 месяца назад +1

    My favorite part about it all is that Scully and Hitchcock ARE actually smart and good detectives, they're just SO smart that they've convinced EVERYONE that they're useless so they don't gotta do jack

  • @basic_r
    @basic_r Год назад +19

    10:13 that time Reacher played Scully

  • @SaiKrishna-fc3od
    @SaiKrishna-fc3od 2 месяца назад +1

    16:05 - dialogue delivery, expression and that head tilting was done to perfection.

  • @Salmanmalvasi3
    @Salmanmalvasi3 Год назад +76

    I cant believe that it is 16 minutes

  • @s03ran
    @s03ran Год назад +15

    I would absolutely love to watch a show where scully and Hitchcock are doing dor duty 😂

  • @ktizzle3
    @ktizzle3 Год назад +7

    Thumbtack mug will always get me!!! 😂😂